Why Athletes Keep Pulling Oblique Muscles?

Dr. Gallo Curveball: Baseball Flows Newsletter

Athletes constantly find themselves grappling with oblique muscle injuries, leaving them puzzled about the underlying causes. Let's dive into this enigma and explore the key factors leading to these issues.

🌀 Undertrained 🌀 

The common misconception of merely side bending to train obliques has led to undertrained spiral/oblique patterns. It's like trying to fly a kite with just one string – insufficient for the soaring performance we seek. Instead, we must tap into the power of fascial slings, the interconnected strings that drive optimal rotation and power generation. Picture these fascial slings as the orchestration behind a synchronized dance, harnessing movement flow.

🚀 Underdeveloped 🚀 

Within the human body, the obliques and gluteals stand as the most underrated and underdeveloped muscle groups. Their underdevelopment leads to poor optimization of the fascial system's elasticity, imposing undue stress on the obliques during athletic movements. Imagine these muscles as the strong pillars of a bridge, maintaining stability and absorbing forces as we traverse the athletic terrain.

💪 Poor Deep Core Stability 💪 

While strength often takes the spotlight, the significance of deep core muscles remains in the shadows. Think of these muscles as the foundation of a towering skyscraper, providing stability and support for the entire structure. Strengthening the deep core enhances performance, elevates movement flow, and boosts overall athleticism. With enhanced proximal stiffness, players unlock their distal athletic potential.

🌀 Poor Movement Flow 🌀 

The beauty of any dance lies in the graceful transitions between movements, and the same principle applies to athletic performance. Poor transitions between movement patterns lead to energy leaks, disrupting the fluidity of performance. Strengthening these transitions is akin to ensuring the smooth flow of a river, minimizing resistance and enhancing the entire movement system.

⚙️ Mechanics ⚙️

Athletic movements like hitting and pitching demand a harmonious blend of mechanics and athleticism. Picture the body as a well-tuned engine – if certain training methods sacrifice athleticism for rigid mechanics, it may cause movement inefficiencies and increase the likelihood of oblique injuries.

To combat these challenges and build resilience, we introduce a solution that revolves around movement flow. Imagine it as a choreographed dance, where the brain effortlessly guides the body through precise and efficient movements. Retrain the brain, enhance neural connectivity, and unlock the true potential of the movement system.

Together, let's navigate the realm of movement and ensure athletes thrive with Baseball Flows in our transformative movement flow programs, and let's create a movement revolution in the world of athletics.

We would love to hear from you. Just reply to email and let us know your answer.

Have you experienced the impact of poor movement flow on your performance, and how do you envision strengthening transitions between movement patterns?

How can you strike a balance between mechanics and athleticism in your training to maximize your movement efficiency and reduce the risk of injuries?

Coaches, parents, and instructors: Don't miss our Level 1 Baseball Flows Certification going live THIS WEEK! Elevate your coaching with GPS Movement Screening! Evaluate the athlete's present movement challenges, project their upcoming path, and design the ideal roadmap for excellence on the field.

We would love to hear from you! Email reply if interested in our Level 1 certification.

Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ismael Gallo DPT, MBA

Founder, Baseball Flows

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