Head control: Decoding the Science Behind Skilled hitters vs novice

Dr. Gallo Curveball: Baseball Flows Newsletter

Happy New Year!, Flow Masters

In this edition of Dr. Gallo's Curveball, we're delving into the intricacies of baseball batting, dissecting the science behind head movement. Our focus today is on a groundbreaking study by Nakata et al. (2012), providing valuable insights into how skilled players differ from novices in the art of swinging a baseball bat.

Key Discoveries:

  1. The Art of Direction:

    • Skilled players showcased a distinct forward movement of the head, punctuated by a strategic pause at the moment of impact. Novices, in contrast, lacked this strategic interlude, hinting at a divergence in approach to hitting the pitched ball.

    • In layman's terms: high-level hitters control their movement flow from load to front foot contact, which leads to them keeping their head still as they turn their body. The middle of the body (pelvis) escorts the head and vice versa. On the other hand, beginners lack this connection, and their head leaks forward when initiating their swing.

  2. Timing Mastery:

    • The timing of the shift in head movement direction, from backward to forward, emerged as a critical factor distinguishing baseball experts from novices. The early initiation by skilled hitters indicated a heightened readiness for the swing, underlining the importance of precise body weight transfer.

    • In layman’s terms: high-level hitters gather and load their backside sooner, which prepares them to unload sooner than novice hitters. This leads to what is called an “emergency swing”, in which a hitter is cutting across their body to catch up with the baseball. Unfortunately, this approach tends to generate more ground balls and weak connections, as players deviate from their natural kinematic sequence.

  3. Mastering Forward Momentum:

    • Skilled players exhibited a more extended forward movement along the X-axis, indicative of a prolonged commitment to the swing. This protracted movement is closely tied to the efficient transfer of energy from the lower limbs, through the kinetic chain, to the bat.

    • In layman’s terms: high-level hitters maintain their swing direction a lot longer than novice hitters. This is due to the natural unfolding of their body which results in a clean movement path to and through the baseball.

  4. The Role of Variability:

    • Novices displayed heightened variability in peak latency and peak value, pointing to an unstable swing pattern. In contrast, skilled players showcased reduced variability, signaling a more stable and refined batting technique.

    • In layman’s terms: high-level hitters were able to repeat their swing more consistently than novice hitters. Even though every swing is essentially not the same, high-level hitters utilize similar movement patterns to swing the bat.

Practical Insights:

  • Coaching Precision:

    • This study emphasizes the pivotal role of head movement evaluation in understanding batting proficiency. Coaches can leverage this knowledge to refine player performance, particularly for those in the early stages of their baseball and softball journey.

  • Strategic Pauses in Pro Play:

    • The intentional pause observed in the skilled hitter’s head movement unveils a strategic waiting game for the pitched ball. Coaches can incorporate this nuanced approach into training sessions to enhance timing and anticipation.

  • Optimizing Training Environments:

    • At Baseball Flows, our Level 1 certification and GPS movement assessment tool are engineered to measure head control and guide athletes, whether professional or novice, toward efficient movement patterns and head control. Understanding the science of head movement allows us to tailor training environments for optimal performance.

    • Pro-tip: coaches often use the cue "keep your head still" to enhance a batter's head control. However, I've observed that this directive can result in swings that are robotic and lack power. Why? Because it tends to restrict the player's natural movement flow and athleticism. In my view, the secret lies in training players to move more effectively. Head control is a product of both dynamic movement flow and centripetal forces, and unlocking this dynamic duo leads to a more fluid and powerful swing.

    • Instructors and coaches need to recognize that variability is inherent in the movement system. In today's culture of extremes, mirrored by social media, there's a dichotomy among instructors—one aiming for the perfect swing, while the other advocates for extreme variability in movement. Striking the right balance, the Goldilocks zone is key. Athletes typically find their optimal swing solution when instructors rely more on guided discovery affording the hitter the freedom to maintain athleticism in the batter's box. Instructors should consider prioritizing fundamental movement principles like balance, head and center of gravity control, movement direction, movement flow, and natural sequencing.

    • In the Baseball Flows program, we build 'head control' from the ground up, mirroring the natural process of childhood development. By incorporating movement flow and exploration, our athletes master posture and head control across both vertical and horizontal shifts—just as they would in the game. This approach ensures that skills learned in Baseball Flows seamlessly transfer to in-game movements.

I and excited to announce that I presented at this year’s “Baseball Performance Summit” presented by Zach Dechant from TCU athletics. The name of the presentation is “Optimizing Development through movement flow training for baseball players”.

It was an honor to be part of this year’s “Baseball Performance Summit”. If you have already purchased, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If you want to learn more about our Baseball Flows movement system, click on the link to sign up. It’s a great and diverse group of 11 presenters and if you enjoy my content please consider supporting the movement.

In the realm of Baseball Flows, our commitment is to unravel the secrets of movement for an enhanced game. Stay tuned for more insights, and as always, feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. Let's keep the flow going!

Welcome to our Level 1 Certification, where you'll witness the extraordinary influence of Global Pattern Screening firsthand. Together, we will unlock the true potential of baseball and softball players, revolutionizing player development through the art of movement system training.

Baseball Flows (Level 1 Certification): Global Patterns Screening (GPS)

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Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Dr. Ismael Gallo

Founder, Baseball Flows

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