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Movement: An Instinct Beyond Thought
Dr. Gallo Curveball: Baseball Flows Newsletter
Hello Flow Masters,
Fellow devotees of the diamond and seekers of athletic excellence! Today, we embark on a profound exploration into a concept that can revolutionize your approach to sports and life – the idea that movement is not an intellectual process. It's a concept that, once grasped, can unleash your true potential on the field.
The Paralysis of Analysis:
Let's begin with a simple yet profound notion: when it comes to movement, the more you think, the less you can effectively solve complex movement problems. In other words, thinking creates a screeching of mental noise that impedes your ability to adjust and react swiftly – a phenomenon we aptly term "Paralysis by Analysis."
Picture this scenario: You are on the pitcher's mound, the game's on the line, and you are caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts. How should you grip the ball? What's your target? Should you adjust your stance? Suddenly, the simplicity of throwing a ball transforms into a mental labyrinth, slowing down your reaction time, accuracy, and Movement Flow.
Baseball: The Quintessential Example:
Now, let's pivot to the diamond, where baseball and softball serve as an exquisite testament to this concept. Consider the art of hitting a baseball. In a fraction of a second, you must read the pitcher's delivery, judge the ball's speed and trajectory, decide whether to swing or not, and execute that swing flawlessly. It is an intricate dance of timing and precision, yet it all unfolds in a blink, without conscious thought.
When you are at bat, overthinking can be your worst enemy. Swinging a baseball bat is not a cerebral exercise; it is an intuitive response to the incoming pitch. The brain cannot possibly process all the data in real time – instead, it relies on well-honed instinct and neurodevelopmental movement patterns. It is a stark reminder that overthinking and poor movement patterns in baseball often lead to missed opportunities.
Riding a Bike: Another Stellar Example:
Now, let's shift gears to an activity that most of us learned as kids – riding a bike. Remember those initial wobbles and falls? They were part of the learning process. But as you gained experience, something incredible happened. Riding became second nature. You could navigate complex routes, make split-second decisions to avoid obstacles, and even perform tricks, all without conscious thought.
Think back to when you first learned to ride. Did you meticulously analyze your balance and pedal strokes every time you approached a turn? Likely not. You simply turned the handlebars and trusted your body to do the rest. This is the essence of movement – it's an intrinsic skill that transcends conscious thought.
Efficiency and the Brain:
Now, here is an intriguing tidbit to consider. According to a recent study, high-level athletes use a smaller section of their brain when performing specific skilled movements. This raises fascinating questions: Why does this happen? Could it be related to the efficiency of their brain when their movement system is more robust?
The efficiency of the brain, known as neural efficiency, in elite athletes suggests that their training has not only honed their physical abilities but also streamlined their mental processes. It's a testament to the power of neurodevelopmental movement patterns – those deeply ingrained, instinctual movements that become second nature with deliberate practice.
Embrace the Silence of Motion:
In conclusion, the beauty of movement lies in its silencing of the brain. It is a language spoken by your body, not your mind. The more you trust your instincts and allow your training to shine through, the better you will perform when it matters most.
So, as you step onto the field or into any arena of life, remember this: movement is an art that requires silence, not over-analysis. Train diligently, trust your instincts, and watch as your performance soars to new heights.
Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.
Best Regards,
Dr. Ismael Gallo DPT, MBA
Founder, Baseball Flows
I'm thrilled to introduce our NEW 12-week program, "Fall Flows." This dynamic program is designed to enhance your agility, athleticism, and ingrain neurodevelopmental movement patterns rapidly. Join us for a one-month trial, and experience the transformative changes for yourself!
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