Does an overflow of verbal cues compromise athleticism?

Dr. Gallo Curveball: Baseball Flows Newsletter

Dear Flow Masters,

In this installment of Dr. Gallo's curveball, let's explore a foundational truth: movement is a neurological process, not an intellectual one. The intricate interplay between the brain and body has seized my fascination, prompting an exploration into a pivotal facet of athletic training.

The Brain's Dilemma: Thought vs. Motion Ever pondered the brain's ability to think and move concurrently? It's a captivating enigma. In reality, the brain grapples with executing both activities simultaneously, particularly in the realm of athletic movements. The looming question is whether we unintentionally impede our players by inundating them with excessive verbal and internal cues.

Training Predicament: Verbal Cue Overload? As we reflect on the impact of training, a crucial query emerges—do our players absorb athleticism, or are they drowning in a sea of verbal instructions? Both experience and current research suggest that an excess of verbal cues may prove counterproductive, obstructing the brain's capacity for natural, fluid movements.

Revelation of Vital Insights: External Cues and Organic Solutions Intriguingly, many contemporary coaches champion an external cue approach—target-oriented or constraint-led—harmonizing with the brain's inherent knack for discovering optimal movement solutions. This external focus empowers athletes to tap into their neurological wiring, cultivating more natural and efficient movement patterns.

Constraints: A Component of the Solution, Not the Problem Regard constraints as integral to the solution, not the problem. Incorporating constraints into training fosters adaptive, game-centric movements. By recognizing constraints, we empower athletes to navigate challenges, nurturing creativity and resilience in their responses.

Common Misconception: Constraints Extend Beyond Physical Barriers Constraints are not solely physical blocks; they can manifest as movement problems. On our Baseball Flows™ app, we challenge athletes by crafting a training environment where they self-organize into optimal global movement patterns to execute tasks. In essence, the exercise serves as both the constraint, the problem, and the solution.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of athleticism training, let's maintain a delicate equilibrium between instruction and innate neurological processes. Anticipate further insights into optimizing movement and unlocking the complete athletic potential within each player.

Did You Know? Every player signing up for our Baseball Flows™ app undergoes part of our Global Pattern Screening (GPS) tool. For the next 72 hours, we are offering a 2-for-1, which means that if you sign up for any of our main programs, we will add on one of our ancillary programs (Jaeger band, Flows to throw, Med ball, kettlebell, aqua bag, and winter flows) at no extra charge. Just reach out once you are on the Baseball Flows™ app.

If you are a coach or parent eager to learn and be trained in the entire Global Pattern Screening, welcome to our Level 1 Certification. Together, we'll witness the profound impact of Global Pattern Screening, revolutionizing player development through the art of movement system training.

Baseball Flows (Level 1 Certification): Global Patterns Screening (GPS)

Share your experiences and insights with us! Simply hit reply to this email or connect with us on social media. Let's learn from each other and embrace the power of Baseball Flows together!

Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ismael Gallo DPT, MBA

Founder, Baseball Flows

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