Player athletic Development 101

Athletic Development 101: Baseball Flows™ Newsletter

Hello Baseball Flows Family,

If you want to raise a well-rounded athlete, it’s critical to understand that effective movement starts from the ground up. Research in developmental kinesiology shows that the ability to move fluidly from the ground to standing is foundational to building balance, stability, and overall athletic ability. This isn’t just about making movements more efficient; it’s about establishing the fundamental global movement patterns that support complex actions on the field.

The Science of Developmental Kinesiology

Studies in developmental kinesiology—like those by Pavel Kolar and others—highlight that many essential movement skills are tied to patterns we naturally develop as infants. For example, transitioning from lying down to sitting up, crawling, and then walking creates a roadmap in the brain for coordinated movement. These foundational patterns form the “global movement” capabilities essential for advanced athletic skills in sports like baseball.

Why Global Movement Patterns Matter

All new movement skills are developed on the foundation of old global developmental movement pattern neural highways. These highways are like familiar roads connecting the brain and muscles. The more coaches can tap into these natural links, the more they expedite skill acquisition and robust athleticism.

Think of learning new skills like building roads on top of old ones. The stronger and clearer those old pathways are, the faster players can reach their destination—becoming stronger, faster, and more agile athletes.

From Conscious Effort to Unconscious Mastery

The ultimate goal of training isn’t just solving movement problems in the moment—it’s ingraining patterns so deeply into the subconscious that they develop into unconscious competence. This means athletes are no longer reacting to movement problems consciously; instead, their bodies adjust seamlessly to solutions created by their subconscious mind.

Consider this analogy: Have you ever driven home on autopilot, barely remembering how you got there? Compare that to navigating a new town, where every turn requires focus and attention. Training global movement skills is about shifting athletes from the latter experience to the former—allowing them to move instinctively, effortlessly, and efficiently on the field.

Our Approach at Baseball Flows

Here’s how we incorporate this science into our program, focusing on building athleticism in young players through movement patterns proven to support athletic growth:

Core and Hip Engagement

Core stability and hip strength are central to powerful, controlled movement. Research shows that athletes with strong hips and cores not only improve agility but also significantly reduce their risk of injury. These areas create a stable base, essential for executing high-speed actions and maintaining control on the field.

Multi-Planar Movement Drills

Exercises in multiple planes of motion teach young athletes to control their bodies in various directions, improving balance and adaptability. Research from motor control experts shows that movement variability helps the brain create efficient, adaptable neural pathways. By moving in different directions, athletes prepare for quick, reactive actions during gameplay.

Smooth Transitions

Training smooth, controlled transitions—like moving from the ground up with balance—builds coordination and flow. These transitions mirror the way athletes move during games, maximizing strength and stability while reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

The Science of Motor Learning

Motor learning involves a progression from unconscious incompetence (not knowing what you don’t know) to conscious incompetence (recognizing what you need to learn), and finally to conscious competence (being able to perform with focused effort) and unconscious competence (performing effortlessly without conscious thought).

At Baseball Flows, we prioritize attuning and calibrating global movement skills through central neural highways to reinforce efficient, repeatable patterns. However, we avoid “brainless repetitions”—motion for the sake of motion—because muscle synergies don’t discriminate between efficient and sloppy movement. Instead, we focus on clean, intentional repetitions that build high-quality solutions.

Block Practice vs. Interleaved Practice

Another key concept we integrate is interleaving learning—mixing different skills and drills in training sessions. While block learning (repeating one skill in isolation) has its place, interleaving creates variability, which strengthens neural adaptability and prepares athletes to react in unpredictable game scenarios. Research shows this method improves long-term retention and adaptability.

The CNS: Our Greatest Asset and Challenge

The central nervous system (CNS) is both the athlete’s greatest strength and potential weakness. Its adaptability allows athletes to learn and refine movements, but this same plasticity means it can adapt to poor movement patterns if not guided correctly. By emphasizing precision and intention in every drill, we ensure that the CNS adapts in ways that support long-term athletic success.

The 80/20 Rule in Training

Finally, we adhere to the Pareto Principle: 20% of training efforts yield 80% of results. This is why we focus on what truly matters—building a foundation of movement efficiency that supports all other athletic development.

When young players train with these evidence-backed methods, they develop essential movement skills that enhance their potential both on and off the field. Efficient movement isn’t just the foundation of athletic success—it’s the key to a long, healthy career. At Baseball Flows, we’re committed to creating stronger, smarter, and more dynamic athletes for the future.

Let’s keep building the next generation of game-changers!

Together, let’s build athleticism that lasts!

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Coaches! welcome to our Level 1 Certification, where you'll witness the extraordinary influence of Global Pattern Screening firsthand. Together, we will unlock the true potential of baseball and softball players, revolutionizing player development through the art of movement system training.

Baseball Flows (Level 1 Certification): Global Patterns Screening (GPS)

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Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ismael Gallo DPT, MBA

Founder, Baseball Flows

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