Summer Training tips: Core Training 101

Baseball Flows™ Newsletter: Athletic Development 101

Pelvis and Deep Core: The Hidden Powerhouses of Your Swing

Efficient movement in baseball starts from the center. Just as the roots of a tree provide stability and nourishment, your pelvis and deep core escort your arms, creating a seamless flow of energy and power. This fundamental connection can significantly enhance your game-day performance.

The Swing: One Fluid Motion

Think of your swing as a single, uninterrupted motion. The brain doesn't comprehend static positions; it understands movement. This concept, known as kinesthetic flow, is about the smooth and continuous movement of your body. It emphasizes the coordination and synchronization of various body parts, creating an efficient and fluid motion that feels natural and intuitive.

Historical Lessons in Movement Training

Let's look at some historical stories of movement training to drive this point home.

The Tai Chi Masters

Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, is all about fluid, continuous movement. Practitioners believe that the energy flow, or "Qi," should move smoothly through the body. This seamless flow is what makes Tai Chi movements so graceful and powerful. In the same way, baseball players must cultivate a smooth, continuous flow from their pelvis and core through to their arms to maximize their swing.

The Ballet Dancers

Ballet dancers are another excellent example. Their seemingly effortless grace comes from years of training their bodies to move fluidly and in harmony. The strength and coordination of their core muscles allow them to perform complex movements with ease and precision. For baseball players, developing a strong connection between the pelvis and deep core can lead to more powerful and controlled swings.

Why Kinesthetic Flow Matters

Kinesthetic flow is crucial in sports and physical activities. It enhances performance and reduces the risk of injury by ensuring that movements are harmonious and efficient. When your body moves as one cohesive unit, you can generate more power and maintain better control over your actions.

Making the Connection: Training Your Pelvis and Deep Core

The good news is that this connection is trainable. By focusing on exercises that target the pelvis and deep core, you can improve your kinesthetic flow and overall performance.

Activation Exercises: Start with exercises that activate your neuromuscular system, particularly your core and glute muscles. At Baseball Flows, our routine begins with a deep core and glute activation exercise.

Dynamic Movements: Incorporate dynamic movements that require coordination between different body parts. This can include rotational exercises and plyometrics. Every routine on our app consists of 4 to 5 dynamic movement flows performed at game speed to ensure deep-core reactive activation is engrained in every move.

Consistency: Like any skill, developing kinesthetic flow takes consistent practice. Could you make these Baseball Flows a regular part of your training routine?

Let's Flow!

Mastering the connection between your pelvis, deep core, and arms can transform your performance on the field.

Visit to learn more about how to train for optimal movement and unlock your full potential.

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Coaches, welcome to our Level 1 Certification, where you'll witness the extraordinary influence of Global Pattern Screening firsthand. Together, we will unlock the true potential of baseball and softball players, revolutionizing player development through the art of movement system training.

Baseball Flows (Level 1 Certification): Global Patterns Screening (GPS)

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Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ismael Gallo DPT, MBA

Founder, Baseball Flows

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