Understanding the Impact of the Fascial System

Dr. Gallo Curveball: Baseball Flows Newsletter

Hey Flow Masters,

As we dive deeper into the off-season, now is the perfect time to kickstart a program that not only recovers but also restores and re-calibrates your movement system. Let's talk about why this is crucial, focusing on a key player in the game: Fascial System.

Why Fascial System Matters: Unwinding the Baseball/Softball Yarn

The repetitive, one-sided nature of baseball and softball training winds up our bodies like a ball of yarn. Without proper movement exercises to unwind, fascial adhesions start to form, affecting the functionality of our movement system.

Understanding Fascial Functions: Shape, Movement, Communication, and Supply

Fascia serves four basic functions: shape, movement, communication, and supply. It cushions, encases, protects, and provides structure. However, when the fascial system is corrupt, the tensile and elastic integrity of the fascia is compromised.

  • Shape: Fascia's role in giving shape is important, the unidirectional and repetitive nature of baseball and softball training impacts its ability to cushion and provide structure.

  • Movement: Fascia is crucial for transferring and storing kinetic energy, aiding powerful movements. The fascial spiral line is key for developmental movement patterning in baseball and softball.

  • Communication: The fascial system contributes to proprioception, allowing players to "feel" their movement flow. Fascial inefficiencies disrupt this feel, leading to poor performance and potential injuries.

  • Supply: Fascia assists in fluid and nutrient transport. Fascial restrictions starve the body of crucial fluids and nutrients required for optimal on-field performance.

The Interplay with the Neurological System

Fascia does not function in isolation; it is closely linked with our neurological system. Since movement is a neurological process, proper movement flow patterning stimulates and conditions the fascia effectively.

Take Action: Baseball Flows and Fascial Spiral Slings 101

What can you do to combat fascial system inefficiencies?

  • Incorporate Baseball Flows into your routine before and after practice.

  • Variability is key: movement exploration via bi-weekly progressions to decrease burn out and over training.

Remember, movement is a neurological process, and the key is to link up your natural spiral movement chains. Seamless movement chains equal efficient skill execution. It's trainable, and it starts with understanding and addressing your fascial system.

Stay fluid, as we continue to explore the wonders of movement, remember that your journey begins with honing your movement habits. Just as nature crafts its masterpieces with precision, you too can refine your movement skills within the Goldilocks Zone.

At Baseball Flows, we're committed to helping you discover this sweet spot where challenge meets refinement. Join us on this adventure as we delve deeper into the art of movement and the science of habit stacking. Together, we'll unlock the true potential of your athletic performance.

Start training your optimal movement habits today!

Share your experiences and insights with us! Simply hit reply to this email or connect with us on social media. Let's learn from each other and embrace the power of Baseball Flows together!

Let's train smarter, move better, and flow in the game.

Dr. Ismael Gallo

Founder, Baseball Flows

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